One of my bucks, a fawn, decided to have a bout with wool block. I knew he was approaching the time to pluck his wool. He had extra fur lying about the cage and the occasional bit of wool dragging from behind.
Friday morning he was lying with his head down and wouldn't come to greet me. After finishing with the other rabbits I brought him inside for immediate action. I administered two capsules of baby simethicone by cutting them open and put the drops in his mouth. I gave him a deep, but gentle tummy massage to help get the intestines moving again. Watch what you are doing with this. The intestines can be ripped if you are rough or not careful. I plucked the loose wool from him and fed him as many sunflower seed as he would eat. I exercised him while he was inside; run about the house a bit to also help get the intestines moving. When I put him back in his cage I gave him a few dandelion leaves, and an extra handful of Timothy hay.
The next day he was improved only a little. When I took him out of his cage he seemed more lively and when I took him out into the yard to look for more dandelions he was much more active.
By the following day he had recovered fully.
This was all brought on because I fell behind on getting him to the table for plucking. Angoras are like cats in their grooming habits, except they do not have the ability to vomit, therefore they cannot throw up fur balls like a cat. The fur lodges in the intestines and can create blockages if large enough quantities of wool are ingested.
A gassy bunny is a happy bunny.
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